Manicures & Pedicures

Polygel/Acrylic nail extensions
Full set - Polygel/Acrylic nail extensions R550
Maintenance fill - Polygel/Acrylic nail extensions R400
Polygel /Acrylic Soak Off (Complete Removal) R150
*ADD ON Gelish Colour R150
*ADD ON Varnish Colour R100
*ADD ON Gelish Soak off / Buff off R90
Shape, Buff & Paint 
Nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 20 minutes R150
Little Ladies Shape and Paint Hands or Feet (under 12 years old) R125
Little Ladies Mini Mani or Mini Pedi (under 12 years old) R170
Express Manicure 
Hot Towel hand compress, cuticle work, nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 30 minutes R260
Spa Manicure 
Hand soak, scrub, hand massage, cuticle work, nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 60 minutes R360
Luxury Manicure 
Hand soak, scrub, hand massage, cuticle work, moisturising hand treatment, nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 90 minutes R485
Express Pedicure 
Hot Towel foot compress, cuticle work, nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 30 minutes R270
Spa Pedicure 
Foot soak, scrub, foot filing, foot massage, cuticle work, nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 60 minutes R370
Luxury Pedicure
Foot soak, scrub, foot filing, foot massage, cuticle work, heel peel foot treatment, nail trim, buff and shape, finished with a buff shine or varnish colour 90 minutes R495
Application Only : Nail trim and shape, buff, cuticle work and application of Gelish colour 45 minutes R350
Application with Full Manicure : Nail trim and shape, buff, cuticle work and application of Gelish colour, finished with soak, scrub and hand massage 75 minutes R450
Application only : Nail trim and shape, buff, cuticle work and application of Gelish colour 45 minutes R350
Application with Full Pedicure : Nail trim and shape, buff, cuticle work and application of Gelish colour, finished with soak, scrub, foot filing and foot massage 75 minutes R450
Hands and Feet Combo Application Only : Nail trim and shape, buff, cuticle work and application of Gelish colour
90 minutes R550
Gelish Soak off only 15 minutes R120
Gelish Soak off with any nail treatment 15 minutes R90
VitaGel UV vitamin nail treatment 20 minutes R125
Acrylic/Polygel Soak Off (Complete Removal) 30 minutes R150
MEDIHEEL Heel Peel Treatment on Feet 30 minutes R250
Moisturising Treatment on Hands or Feet 15 minutes R225
Gelish ADD ON (available to upgrade packages) 15 minutes R150
Nail Art, Stamping or Jewels per nail R10-R35